Wednesday, July 24, 2013

And While You're Praying . . .

Could you spare a prayer for me, your humble blog host? I have been hampered for several weeks now (yes, weeks) by a stubborn and persistent infection that leaves me feeling distinctly yucky and sub-par most of the time. I have been through almost three rounds of antibiotics and feel reasonably decent while I'm taking them, but as soon as I finish a round, the symptoms return within a day or two. All sorts of horror stories about over-prescribed antibiotics, antibiotic-resistant bacteria and "super bugs" are floating around my brain and making me nervous. Now my doctor wants to do tests to get a better idea of what's going on, which is a good thing, I suppose, but that doesn't mean I'm looking forward to it. Anyway, in your charity, dear friends, please remember me. Thank you.

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