Saturday, September 19, 2009

Love and Marriage, Pirate Style

Ahoy there, Mateys! That fair wench The Ironic Catholic hath reminded me that today be Talk Like a Pirate Day once again, it be. Shiver me timbers, I almost missed it! Here be the link to the last time I blogged about TLAPD. But what's more, it seems The Ironic Catholic (Dr. IC for short, don't ye know), has as a story to tell about Lizzie the Pirate Wench, Jack her intended, and their parish priest, no less! Lend an ear, ye scurvy dogs, and ye'll learn somethin' about that there Theology of the Body, so ye will, and have a laugh besides.

In the meantime, here be a video of a song that some scurvy dog hath composed in honor of the occasion:



PaperSmyth said...
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PaperSmyth said...

Arrrr. (Hi, Naill.)

The item ye be askin' fer was left fer ye under the "caps." (I'd rather not have it up permanently.)

I'll be removin' it in less then a fortnight. Ye'll be lettin' me know ye got it, won't ye now?

Niall Mor said...

Ye'll be lettin' me know ye got it, won't ye now?

Arr, that I will, lass, that I will. The item I wanted to send ye should already be on its way to ye via the magic of them interwebs tubes. Arr!

Brian Visaggio said...

Hey, Niall.

You can pick up the published version of Stronghold at

Comment on my blog or email me so I know you got this.

PaperSmyth said...

Thanks, Naill. That brightened my day.

K T Cat said...

Yarrr! I missed it!